Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Also in October, I had the wonderful opportunity to do a little bit of tramping on one of the mountains near Masterton with the super cool Amy Munn. She posed the idea of doing one of the day walks to many people, but since no one from the young adults bible study was free and since her other friends had to back out due to last minute changes in plans, she was left with me. Poor Amy...

Everything started out as you might expect. After we had been walking up a bit, we both got a little bit breathless. But for some reason, I found the bottom of the hill more difficult, and once I got going became fine. Unfortunately, this did not happen for Amy, who increasingly became more and more out of breath the further up we got. It wasn't like climbing up this hill was easy for me, but my respiratory system didn't seem to get the memo. There were a couple of times when I tried pretending to be more tired and out of breath than I actually was in an attempt to make her feel better, but I don't think it was really helping. 

It was at this point when I tried to verbally make her feel better. Anyone who knows me really well, knows that the second I decide to open my mouth in an attempt to console someone, it becomes a bad idea. I don't know why I thought this would help, but I decided to talk about my experience climbing up to the caves in my first year in Mexico. I think I thought that it would somehow convey that I understood what she was experiencing... I still don't know why I thought that would help. Aii, poor Amy. Looking back, I feel so bad - Amy is puffing away, thinking that she's going to die and looking dauntingly at the endless amount of stairs we have to keep climbing and here I am chattering away about how I've climbed mountains in Mexico. Good one, Natalie. 

But we made it to the top, eventually. The view was spectacular and after we ate our lunches we forgot about the difficulty we had climbing up there (until we woke up the next day with sore legs). Amy, if you ever read this, I'm sorry! I fail socially and thanks for an amazing experience!

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