I'm so filled with mixed emotions. The closer to my departure date I have gotten the increasingly more excited to come home but also increasingly sad and upset that I'm leaving I have become. That has now gave way to just being rather forlorn and at the same time in disbelief that it is all over. I know that I'm getting on a plane today and leaving New Zealand for the foreseeable future and yet most of my brain thinks that I'm going to wake up here, in my bedroom, again tomorrow morning. Thankfully this has resulted in me not being too stressed out over the flight and all that entails. But I know that I have to go home, because a little paper in my passport tells me this, and the spare days that I have not been travelling (those that I have had to pack and rest) have been a little torturous. Now that it has come I feel like I've had to psyche myself up and just want to get it done and over with. I know it's going to be painful, but can we rip it off quick like a band-aid? But I've had to sit here and count down the days.
I've spent all this time preparing to come here - a year to be exact. I've researched nursing, travelling and living in New Zealand. You do all this work getting your brain set up for coming and living here. Then, when you finally do get here, all your energy goes into settling in. You get involved in events, you explore your town and the surrounding areas, you meet people - so many wonderful people - and set out to get to know them. You work on finding meaning and belonging in your workplace. You take advantage of the fact that you're here for a short time and become comfortable, making new friends (and family).
And then this message in your diary creeps closer and closer. "Depart from Wellington. Back to Canada." Leave New Zealand? But this is where I live... Heaps of preparation to come here - no preparation on leaving here. My brain feels a little shocked and confused. Deep deep down it has known all along that I am going to be leaving eventually. But the longer I've been here the deeper it has become and I think, "Already!?" now that the date is fast approaching. I cannot believe that it is already December or that I am already having to leave. At the same time, I feel like I have been here for such a long time. I know, because of this, that I have made the most of my time here. I don't regret any of my decisions - even the decision to not see different parts of the country, but I now feel like I belong here and the plane ticket that tells me I do not throws my brain into a spin.
I'm absolute rubbish at goodbye's to begin with, but the lack of belief and urgency has made it difficult to properly say them. I don't want to say goodbye and therefore I don't. I think, but "I'm coming back" as if it is as easy as hoping into your car and driving 10 minutes down the road, when in reality I have no idea when I will be able to return. All I know is that I want to - most definitely. And I want as many people as possible that I know to experience this amazing country. New Zealand is a most spectacular, almost magical place and I am definitely going to miss it.
So I will leave you with a quote:
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."
I've spent all this time preparing to come here - a year to be exact. I've researched nursing, travelling and living in New Zealand. You do all this work getting your brain set up for coming and living here. Then, when you finally do get here, all your energy goes into settling in. You get involved in events, you explore your town and the surrounding areas, you meet people - so many wonderful people - and set out to get to know them. You work on finding meaning and belonging in your workplace. You take advantage of the fact that you're here for a short time and become comfortable, making new friends (and family).
And then this message in your diary creeps closer and closer. "Depart from Wellington. Back to Canada." Leave New Zealand? But this is where I live... Heaps of preparation to come here - no preparation on leaving here. My brain feels a little shocked and confused. Deep deep down it has known all along that I am going to be leaving eventually. But the longer I've been here the deeper it has become and I think, "Already!?" now that the date is fast approaching. I cannot believe that it is already December or that I am already having to leave. At the same time, I feel like I have been here for such a long time. I know, because of this, that I have made the most of my time here. I don't regret any of my decisions - even the decision to not see different parts of the country, but I now feel like I belong here and the plane ticket that tells me I do not throws my brain into a spin.
I'm absolute rubbish at goodbye's to begin with, but the lack of belief and urgency has made it difficult to properly say them. I don't want to say goodbye and therefore I don't. I think, but "I'm coming back" as if it is as easy as hoping into your car and driving 10 minutes down the road, when in reality I have no idea when I will be able to return. All I know is that I want to - most definitely. And I want as many people as possible that I know to experience this amazing country. New Zealand is a most spectacular, almost magical place and I am definitely going to miss it.
So I will leave you with a quote:
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends."